Noninvasive laser light targets localized fat deposits, slimming and toning physiques
Laser Lipo: During the procedure, a licensed professional targets fat deposits using laser-emitting pads, causing the fat cells to perforate and disperse their contents, resulting in lost inches. The body then flushes out the expelled fat-cell contents via the lymphatic system or burns them for energy.
Typical treatment areas include the abdomen, waistline, thighs, arms, and hips.
This merchant is taking steps to protect your health by following all applicable laws and regulations concerning COVID-19 safety. This purchase covers your voucher. You will pay the remaining balance at the time of service directly to the provider. Treatment may vary based on the patient’s medical conditions and history. Any additional treatment or tests required by the medical personnel are not covered by this voucher and may result in additional costs at the time of service. Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services.

Accentuated Body Bar By Gentle LLC
- Mon: 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM
- Tue,Wed,Thu: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- Fri,Sat: 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
- Sun: Closed -
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