Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to pay a membership fee in order to purchase a DocGiv voucher?
No. DocGiv does not require any sort of membership or subscription fee from it’s Clients. You will however be required to create a profile when you purchase a voucher in order to provide your information to the Provider administering your service. This will also allow you to track your vouchers and past purchases.

What happens once I purchase a voucher on DocGiv?
You will receive an email with the contact information of the Provider that is providing the service you reserved. You are then able to contact the Provider directly in order to schedule your service at a time that is convenient to you!

How long do I have to redeem a voucher I’ve purchased on DocGiv?
The standard length of time that a voucher is honored from DocGiv is 30 days. If for some reason you need to schedule an appointment outside of that time frame please contact the Provider who is providing your service directly.

If I am a Provider interested in creating a profile, how do I do so?
You can create a profile by clicking the Partner Signup button in the upper right hand corner. You can find benefits of becoming a provider and more detailed steps on creating a profile under the “How it Works” tab.

As a Provider, how do I know when of my vouchers has been purchased?
You will receive an automatic email to the address that you provided upon sign up. It will inform you that a customer has purchased a voucher, the voucher details, and the amount of the reservation fee. The client will be responsible for contacting you directly in order to schedule their service. 

For any other questions or further assistance please contact:
Christina Cruz, Account Executive of DocGiv



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